A poster showing the entrence to a building and some peoples walking. On th poster there is a 3D text: Everything depends on this moment.
A poster showing a black and white photo of a multistore building. Also there is some gray dottet text: Bklyn Col.
A black image with some white dots and lines displaced in a pattern.

Type Directors Club Picks MFAD Vidz

Feb 09 2015

TDC selected type videos by MFAD first year students Kritbodee Chaicharoen (first two above) and Livia Ito (last above) for the Annual of the Type Directors Club, Typography 36, and on exhibit at the 61st Awards Exhibition (TDC61) in New York City.

Chaicharoen’s videos:

“RUN” (from Gail Anderson’s “Just Type” class) is made of footage and found type that were taken around New York City. It captured movements and emotions that the city creates in my mind while I am living here. These feelings, he says, sometimes just make me want to “RUN”.

“Everything Depends On This Moment” (from Stefan Sagmeirster’s “Touch Someone’s Heart” class).

“Everything Depends On This Moment” is a “thing I have learned in my life.” I wanted to make artwork to share with people around me. Each letter is made of my handwriting on mirrored acrylic sheets. I installed them in 7 places around New York City: Madison Square Park, Flatiron, Union Square subway station, Grand Central Station, New York Public Library and Central Park. I believed that in different places, different audiences and different time, my work can be interpreted in different ways.

Ito’s video:

watch here

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