A phone screen with da set of random letters with unique colors and fonts.
A phone screen with da set of random letters with unique colors and fonts.
A phone screen with da set of random letters with unique colors and fonts.
A sample image of a UX app design for a phone.
A sample image of a phone splash screen with a personified sun, moon and some text.

Type Games:Timothy Cohan

Oct 08 2012

There are “Hunger Games” and “Game of Thrones.
MFAD Class of 2014 students in Gail Anderson’s “Just Type” class are doing their own
“Game of Types.”

“Get the Lead Out” by Timothy Cohan

The game is set up as a grid of letters set in different typefaces. The goal is to find the letters in the grid that match the typeface displayed at the bottom of the screen. This changes at random to keep things interesting. The player must find as many matches as possible before time runs out. Twelve correct matches must be made to advance to the next level. Bonus characters including lead type appear occasionally, each with a different effect on gameplay.

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