A logo poster colored in black, blue and yellow, that covers an exhibition wall.
A photo of a metallic golden ladder in front of a black, blue and yellow logo poster on a wall.
A photo with a ladder and on it a wet paint sign, near a fresh painted logo on a blue wall.
The logo of venture 16 Entrepreneurship Unfolded and some text put on a blue wall.
A woman sticking a venture 16 logo on a blue wall.
A woman sticking a venture 16 logo on a blue wall.
A man preparing some adhesive prints to be put on a blue wall, while sitting in an exhibition room.

Venture’s Finishing Touch

Apr 20 2016

Photos by Ada Whitney

The Class of 2016 is so very close to VENTURE 16 : Launch. An exhibition in the SVA Gramercy Gallery of 19 videos by 19 MFAD entrepreneurs pitching 19 ventures. Open to the public on April 25 and the celebratory fete is on May 16 (6-8 pm). Venture out to be inspired. And Tweet your reactions to #venture16.


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