A photo of three people in front of a Vanity Fair 3d logo on a wall.
A photo of three persons standing in a room in front of a logo commercial with letters GQ.
A photo of a group of people standing in a room in front of a logo commercial with letters GQ.
A photo of a group of people taking notes and listening to a lecture.
A photo of two people, one giving a lecture from a laptop and the other standing near a desk.
photo of a group of people taking pictures and notes while listening to a lecture.
A photo of a group of people listening to a lecture.

Visit to Conde Nast By Bridget Dearborn

Jan 09 2013

Last night the first year students met at Conde Nast for the first session of our digital publishing class. In the Vanity Fair conference room, Wyatt Mitchell and Billy Sorentino entertained us with their witty presentation. We learned about Wyatt’s early days at Wired, making the very first tablet edition of a print magazine, and we heard from Billy about the creative challenges of taking all of the Conde Nast titles digital. Everyone left feeling very excited about learning to make our own digital magazines over the course of the semester.

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