where i belong blue graffiti tag made on a large square paper

Where I Belong

Nov 30 2011

Francesco Izzo and Marci Lawrence (MFAD ’13) collaborated on “Where I belong.” They decided to touch the high school student’s heart.The school they focused on is the Flushing High School in Queens, NY.

“Flushing is a neighborhood where it’s possible to find a great diversity of cultures, people and languages spoken,” they report. “Therefore this aspect gives the school a very unique soul.

We decided to design a canvas that could express the school’s main characteristics with the ultimate goals to make the students feel at home and part of a big community at the same time.

After few meetings with the school’s staff and the students we decided to use words (trust, community, respect) translated in different languages and we chose a phrase (‘Where I Belong’) to bring those words together in a whole piece.”

See their video.

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