a group of 8 people at a restaurant sitting around a table
Wiebke Meyer-Luters standing at podium presenting on a screen
Wiebke Meyer-Luters standing at podium presenting on a screen

Alumni Impact

Apr 02 2024

by Natalia Ramirez

It’s always a pleasure to reconnect with familiar faces! At our last alumni lunch, we caught up with Wiebke Meyer-Lüters (MFAD ‘23), Pedro Andrade (MFAD ‘19), Yiming Bao (MFAD ‘14), Kirsten Sorton (MFAD ‘05), and soon-to-graduate Natalia Ramirez (MFAD ‘24). As the end of another school year approaches, conversations revolved around one thing that connects all MFAD students in perpetual camaraderie: thesis (and how important it was in shaping their careers as designers). With the endless evolution of technology, design is always taking new forms—and we see underlying threads of perspectives that, often ahead of their time, are circling back around: sound, food, and community. As our own community grows here at MFAD, we’re excited to see where we will be in a year, or five—and looking forward to seeing our alumni continue to be in positions that allow them to design with impact.

Wiebke Meyer-Lüters also delivered a presentation on her life after graduation, highlighting her achievements in establishing her own design studio in Germany and earning multiple design awards.

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