Amy Wang portrait in black clothing

Amy Wang

Amy Wang


Design Director, Openbox


MFA Design, School of Visual Arts
BA Biology, Harvard University

professional experience

Amy is currently building the practice and culture of a black-led, women-led design startup pursuing new ideas and approaches through diversity within the lived experience. Previously, Amy led visual design at IDEO, using design thinking methodology in areas where design isn’t normally part of the conversation, for example to create a toolkit for lower-income Americans who have not recovered from the financial crash of 2008. She has taught design thinking and prototyping at Venture for America, NYU, and a nonprofit for at risk high school students; and worked at Tomorrow Partners, Carbone Smolan Agency, and The New York Times.


Bloomberg Philanthropies, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Madison Square Garden, NYC Department of Small Business Services, Scotiabank, US Department of State

honors and awards

Core77 Design Awards, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Sappi Ideas That Matter

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