A drawing of a pair of hands, having different colors, each depicting a sex gesture.
A screen shot from a website with text and human figure drawings. The text on it: SEX STORIES FROM 1st TO 4th BASE.
A screen shot from a website with text and human figure drawings. The text on it: SEX STORIES FROM 1st TO 4th BASE.
A screen shot from a website with text and human figure drawings. The text on it: The First Time.
A mobile phone web app that depicts drawings of human figures. The website address: www.4thbase.org.
A photo of a woman wearing a black coat.

How was sex ed for you? Do you think teens have it easier now than you did? What’s your story? 4th Base is redefining and improving sex education by providing an unbiased and trustworthy platform for young adults to read and share stories about sex and sexuality. At 4th Base we are facilitating a peer-to-peer conversation about sexuality that is reflective of the age we live in.

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