day job magazine back cover
pages of the day job magazine with a man in his living room and a text on the other page
two pages of the day job magazine with a woman selling street food
day job website screenshot
collage of two images with a man working on a wheel on the left and a man working on an engine on the right
collage of two images with a man in an office
collage of two images with a portrait of a priest on the left and the priest working at a computer and a book on the right
collage of 2 images, a portrait of a man on the left and a picture of fruits on the right
a photo of the day job magazine
a page of magazine with a collage of images


By Elliott Walker

Day Job is a biannual print publication that explores contemporary work culture through the personal pursuits and values of people around the world. It is a magazine about good work for its own sake, about earning a living, and about the search for some utility and meaning in the way we spend our day.

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