A photo of a woman wearing glasses and a black blouse.
An animated image of a flipping book depicting some people photos and drawings, as well as some text.
A photo of a naked man sitting in a field, while in front of him there is a big fish with a yellow ball in its mouth. Also the fish ahs some yellow balls and green leaves attached to the tail.
A black and white drawing of a naked, tattooed human figure, with socks and shoes, while sitting on a chair.
A photo of a man sitting on a bike while holding the handles.
A black and white photo form a bar showing some bikers sitting at a table.
An image depicting a faceless human figure with purple hair, wearing a green blouse and a tuxedo. There is a colorful red, green, blue and yellow background depicting fractal shapes.



Flocks is an independent print theme-based magazine that explores societal tensions through the eyes of the subculutres. From men who weight lift to men who knit, the first issuye of Flocks showcases masculinity in diverse forms. We want to create a safe space to foster understanding and to open a conversation about the norms and the values of our society and show the positive impact of underground movements on our own culutre.

let’s be different together!

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