foodstalk logo
eggs, biscuits and slices of bred laid down on a table with the foodstalk logo in the middle
mom & dad picking up groceries after work poster
a grid of illustrations of vegetables
an opened book depicting two illustrations of vegetables
illustration of a red and a green apple with roads draw on them, and the title 11,000 miles vs 80 miles
vegetables cut and laid on table with caloric info next to them
website screenshot
website screenshot
website screenshot
website screenshot
website screenshot



Foodstalk, a multi-platform event, is a way to come together and talk about locally grown food in NYC.

Foodstalk uses multiple avenues to reach people: the Internet, the streets of New York City and through a series of events. Foodstalk aims to help individuals become more conscious of their foods’ origins. Foodstalk wants to make it as easy as possible to eat locally grown food in NYC. Our mission is to increase understanding of the importance and value of locally grown food. At Foodstalk, every food has a story. We hope to change
the conversation about locally grown and artisanally made food.

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