Logo and identity of Journey On by Jennifer Holcomb
Diptych of sidewalk stand and event page on an iPhone for Journey On
Guidelines for Journey On by Jennifer Holcomb
Web design for Journey On
stationery and merchandise design for Journey On
Merch design for Journey On
Collage of pictures, story of Journey On by Jennifer Holcomb
Website design by Jennifer Holcomb
Website design by Jennifer Holcomb
badge designs by Jennifer Holcomb

Journey On guides people through the logistical and emotional hardships of the death of a loved one, so that you’re empowered to make informed decisions during times of emotional distress and can finally begin to heal. Journey on is a series of personalized checklists and guided tools to help people navigate the death of a loved one, housed in an easily accessible online resource. Users can make an account and securely save guides, store information, and share them with others via joint accounts. We offer a linked timeline management tool to help stay on top of time-sensitive plans and figure out what comes next. Users can also purchase spirited merchandise and organizational supplies through our online store or attend locally organized Journey On events to bring the online experience offline.

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