animated gif portrait of a man
app screenshot with a boy and the letter A
app screenshot with an illustration of a boy and the word "Avion"
!lei lei! App banner with a little boy with a backpack, the logo on the right side, and the slogan under the logo: !Aventuras en la alfabetizacion!
A little boy holds the !lei lei! storybook in his hands
!lei lei! logo

¡Leí Leí!

By Francisco Hernandez

Adventures in Literacy

¡Leí Leí! is an educational system for Mexican-American children and their parents. ¡Leí Leí! helps children gain early literacy skills while supporting their cultural identity.Through Mexican-American characters that reflect their transcultural identity, children are introduced to the five early literacy skills that schools require. A bilingual curriculum helps parents follow along as their children acquire both English and Spanish literacy skills.

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