Neulu logo centered with a beige background
A top view showing neulu boxes with instructions, card instructions, phone cases, stickers all around
A front view of three different instructions and card instruction covers
Series of neulu instructions of information page, and the instruction page
A stack of card instructions on the back and a person putting in a card instruction on her phone case
An index sticker used on the instruction on the left side and a sticker to be placed to be updated on the right side
Merchandises of neulu phone cases, tote bags, folders and sticky notes
Eunji’s face with a gradient background on the back


By Eunji Kim

Neulu is a series of instruction kits to help the elderly navigate their smartphones easily and connect with others.

Today, much of our activity takes place through mobile phones and the Internet. These are the places where we communicate with each other and interact with the outside world. Neulu wants everyone to be part of it. However, it is not easy to learn something new, whether you are sixty years old or eighty years old, since it takes a lot of time and energy to learn. Neulu will be a bridge to the digital world for you so that everyone could be part of it and find themselves by connecting with others through smartphones.

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