speak of love logo
speak of love logo
speak of love poster
Speak of Love poster mounted on a wall
Speak of love theatre banner
Speak of Love poster on a widow
Speak of Love advertise on a bus
A front sit with a mic and in the back is a row of chairs and a screenshot of a black and white movie
a mic sit in the front and a row of chairs highlighted with yellow lights in theback
Mic seats highlighted with yellow lights and in the back is a screenshot of the Friends TV series
Drawing of three men and three women
Show page screenshot of the Speak of love website
Speak of love website blog screenshot
Table of content of the play
Play act line and descpription
Play act lines of Don Pedro and Hero
Elizabeth Gilbert's quote from Eat, Pray, Love: Woman's search for everything across Italy, India, and Indonesia
Rachel's thoughts about love and feelings
A woman giving a speech in front of an audience
A man giving a speech in front of an audience
Speak of love heart shape logo with to microphones on left and right side

Speak of Love


Speak of Love is a performance piece of monologues and discourses from pop culture that swap character’s gender in order to shed light on same-sex relationships and equality.

Recently, same-sex equality has garnered energy as a human rights cause. In parallel, the depiction of homosexuals and their relationships have entered into the norm of the arts and entertainment, using a personal interest for social progress. Speak of Love follows suit, presenting familiar heterosexual relationships from an assortment of material from pop culture in a homosexual context. Re-experiencing familiar storylines in this manner, the audience gains insight to how similar homosexual emotions and relationships are to their heterosexual counterparts.

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