the revealist logo on a brown backdrop with a white patter
an illustration with a rooster and blue and purple watercolor splashes and a cocktail glass next ti it with the revealist logo on the right side
the revealist illustration of a large whale
illustration of a person sitting on a chair, splashes of watercolor behind the head and a yellow stripe across their face
illustration of gothic style building surrounded by modern buildings
a banner representing a building in the center surrounded by many smaller and bigger buildings and splashes of watercolor
webpage screenshot with the time square illustration and splashes of watercolor
the revealist cards presented with animals painted in watercolor over their black outline shapes
the revealist postcard with a white pattern on a brown piece of paper and a brown pattern on a white piece of paper
a large industrial crane on a river with the cityscape in the background
photo of steel panel-made wall with an overlay of a headshot of composite made with an older woman from a painting over the height scale
a to-go coffee cup with a green illustration at its bottom is photographed on a blue-green dotted background
a person looking into a green device, and on the left side of the frame is a small image with a person sitting on a chair, and a yellow stripe on it saying NYC Governor
a large poster installed on a building with a person sitting on a chair, with blue and purple watercolor behind their head and a yellow stripe covering their eyes and nose
postcard of a person sitting on a chair, with blue and purple watercolor behind their head and a yellow stripe covering their eyes and nose
postcard of a person sitting on a chair, with blue and purple watercolor behind their head and a yellow stripe covering their eyes and nose



The Revealist is a storytelling service created to expose the forgotten stories about New York City.

It uses the city as a canvas to reveal stories through urban installations, performances, and events. The Revealist provokes the hordes of busy New Yorkers away from their daily routine by playfully sparking their curiosity and momentarily engaging them with the fantastic stories that make this city what it is today.

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