A website template that depicts plant, animals and female figures wearing old clothes. The text on it says: antiques OBSCURA oddities.
A set of two images, one depicting a squirrel wearing an astronaut costume and on a distant planet and the other representing some lambs and some sunflowers. On each image there is the text: Obscura.
A text image explaining that: Obscura is a collection of oddities disguised as a store. Memories diseases, photos decay, birds death, models autopsy, planets oblivion reptile diagrams.
A website with title: antiques Obscura oddities. There are also pictures of elephants, skeleton animal heads and baby heads.
A photo representing porcelain heads of people, dentures in jars, mortar with pestle and other obscure items..

Favorite Work: Akansha Kukreja

By Akansha Kukreja
Class: 2019

We asked the second year students to select their favorite work from last semester.

Today: Akansha Kukreja

Obscura is a quaint antique store located in East Village, NYC. The curated collection of oddities ranging from antique keys and collectibles, taxidermy, scientific balms, vintage astrological illustrations and novelty view-masters makes the experience of the space memorably obscure. A design system for the identity, visual language and taxonomy was created as a class assignment for the Branding course taught by Kevin Brainard. The identity systems aims to capture the absurdity of the fusion of disparate elements sold at the store and its owners who said to me “Some people come in and look but don’t touch anything, like a car accident”

The entire process for this project is in my brand process book: https://issuu.com/aakansha.kukreja/docs/bp_processbook

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