futuristic type face in a fantasy landscape
futuristic type face in a fantasy landscape
futuristic type face in a fantasy landscape
futuristic type face in a fantasy landscape
futuristic type face in a fantasy landscape

Type for Masters 2022: Heedong Jeong


For his project in Justin Colt’s Type for Masters course, Heedong Jeong (Class of ’24) chose to design for conceptual stationery brand Xync.

What’s on your desk? The desk is one of the most boring places and creative places at the same time. In that sense, the brand Xync suggests highly conceptual and experimental stationery items to make your desk life more enjoyable. Each Xync stationery item has a unique shape inspired by sea creatures in the virtual world concept. Those items also can be synchronized with the AR.

As an experimental stationery brand, Xync aims to collapse your daily life and reality at your desk. Our goal is to challenge the existing stationery analog sensibility and give it another possibility. So try to collect Xync items and mind-blow your imagination on your small ocean, the desk.

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