first person american and what's your story banner
first person american and what's your story banner
first person american website page
Stories list page
Eric Ku profile page
soo yun yun page on first person american
top five page
top five page
fist person ameircan website form
first person american contact page
webpage screenshot with a red and yellow dinosaur figure
first person American poster in a new email window
what's your story logo on blue t-shirts
hand bagks with What's your story? phrase
red, black, and yellow badges with messages and names of countries on them
Wat's your story posters
"What's your story?" quote

First Person American


First Person American explores personal stories of people who came from other countries and now live in America.

First Person American is a content-driven website for established immigrants and native-born citizens to open up a dialogue of what it means to be an American through the immigrants’ point of view. It explores the modern immigrant identity through video, personal narrative, visual documentation and interactive media.

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