a store interior with a large scale banner
store interior of the cheese corner
store interior with the fruits and vegetable corner, black shelves, and white bricks wall
store interior with white cabinets, black shelves, and white bricks wall
colored plastic containers, two without  the lid, and one with the lid which has the q&p logo on it
colored recipients stacked and they have lids with q&p logo
silver metal containers with the q&p logo on their lids
Q&p website screenshot
a fabric grocery bag with the message If you see something, weigh something.  q&p logo on a black bag and the typography Bulk is Beautiful on another black bag
fabric bags with the logo nuts & seeds, snacks, DRIED FRUITS


By Camille McMorrow

Part & Parcel is a brand devoted to helping people bring home great food without wasteful packaging. It is a system of groceries, containers, and community for New Yorkers who are tired of taking out the trash.

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