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Sentimentalyst homepage screenshot
Sentimentalyst webpage screenshot of a graph about Zimbabwe
Sentimentalyst webpage screenshot
Sentimentalyst promo ad
Sentimentalyst percentage score grid for LIWC Dictionary sentiment words
Sentimentalyst percentage score grid for The Beatles
Sentimentalyst percentage score grid for Elvis
Sentimentalyst add-on in the Firefox add-on store
A New York Times web page screenshot with a heading highlighted and has a score attributed by Sentimentalyst
An iPad with a screenshot of the springboard and another one with a screenshot of a website
1.508 News articles covering the same story banner



The tool that shows you HOW and HOW MUCH every news story is reported around the world.

Sentimentalyst (“Sentiment Analyst”) is a web application that uses natural language processing to compare news coverage about specific stories. It’s a tool to encourage people who rely on the Internet for their news to broaden their media diets. Sentimentalyst analyzes 3 aspects of reportage: the headline; the underlying positive and negative emotions; and the word count—and displays the data in infographs on the website. In the end, you get a visualization of comparative news analysis on topics that interest you. There are many ways to tell a story. Should you trust just one?

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