Spaghetti with milk cover made of brown fabric material
close-up of the brown cover with the title Spaghetti with milk
illustration holder made of brown fabric with the title Spaghetti with milk
multicolor envelopes like blue, green, grey, orange, etc., inserted in a brown fabric holder
multicolor envelopes like blue, green, grey, orange, etc.
Illustration of a little girl sitting with the back with her hair braided in two tails, wearing a dotted dress. She is doubled positioned on the bottom part of the illustration and at half of the page on the left side. the illustration is placed over a red envelope
Illustration of a little girl sitting with the back with her hair braided in two tails, wearing a dotted dress. she is doubled positioned on the bottom part of the illustration and at the half of the page on the left side
Illustration of a little girl sitting with the back with her hair braided in two tails, wearing a dotted dress. she is positioned on the bottom part of the illustration
human silhouette with pieces breaking from it like water is half inserted in a envelope
human silhouette with pieces breaking from it like water
high contrast black and white with a breaking wave on the left side, and on the right side is a human silhouette with pieces breaking from it like water
a book cover with white handwriting on multiple rows, on a black background
abstract pattern with pieces of paper looking like a cupcake paper
illustration with a red block with a rounded corner on a blue background, and the top left side is a small curved yellow shaped
there is a light brown pattern of multiple layered rounded shapes with nipples
a website screenshot of a red meat cube with a white ribbon on top, which has a couple of yellow balloons with some text on them
a book cover with a high contrast black and white photo of a wave with the title Memory no.7, 1947
a poster with a cube of red meat with a white ribbon on top and the message Memory no. 25, 1992 on a grey backdrop
a white page canvas with the message "I have this strange need."
a girl sitting with hair braided in two tails sitting with the back to the camera

Spaghetti with Milk


Spaghetti with Milk is a collection of short stories and visual art, which explores how food memories shape our personal and cultural identities. Food is often the tantalizing back-story to understanding who we are, and how and why we live. Each of the six stories in this book is based on real life events and food memories captured from the lives of one immigrant family living in America. Spaghetti with Milk is a response to the polarizing elements found in society today. This book is a vehicle and lens for peaceful and joyful contemplation and dialogue.

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