Ah logo
Ah logo
photo depicting two kids riding bikes in the park
sepia color portrait of a man and a woman
four different website screenshots
Ah logo gif
Homepage screenshot of the Ah website
Ah webpage screenshot
He seems happy today, and I am glad text written on a blurry photo of a building
Ah About webpage screenshot
Ah project motivation explanation
Ah project logo in yellows and white
Ah, typography presented on a Facebook page screenshot
Looking back, I wish that someone explained to me, as a little girl, what was happening and taught me how to help him instead of reject him. I have to say, I could not dream of a better father (and a better mother because she held the family together) - Quoted by anonymous. I've gone from worrying about it like crazy, to ignoring it and back and forth for a while now, so its tough to put that in words. Besides just those... -Quoted by anonymous. "My mother frees me, makes me proud to be who I am and from whence I come. I pity those who can no understand his brilliance." I found this in a journal over five years ago; its still true today - Nicole, sister of someone diagnosed with depression
Even typing this out now is good. I think it's a pretty valuable thing to just air this stuff out. Because it's unfortunately still a somewhat taboo topic. Quoted  by Anonymous
a white dot in the center of a rectangular blue background

The Ah Project


Those close to someone with a mental illness are affected just as much as the person with the illness. The Ah Project is a community targeted to people close to someone with a severe mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression). The centerpiece of the project is a website, where people use a variety of formats to express how a mental illness has affected their lives. The goals of The Ah Project are to provide support, help rid the sense of isolation, and to change the conversation around mental illness. By providing a forum for communication, support, and resources, The Ah Project helps loved ones reach the stage of acceptance more easily.

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